How Do I Appeal a Denial

Because the majority of Social Security Disability Insurance claims are denied (although your chances of being awarded Social Security Disability Insurance are greatly improved when working with a SSDI lawyer) it is important to learn how to appeal denied claims.

It can be frustrating when after working so hard on your application the Social Security Administration denies your claim, especially when you are denied solely because of a technicality, such as inadequate medical documentation or that the Social Security Administration does not believe your disability prevents you from performing all types of work.

Regardless of the reason why your Social Security Disability Insurance claim is denied, you should appeal the decision.

The appeal process includes four stages, which are:

Reconsideration: After the denial of your initial claim, you must file a “Request for Reconsideration” within 60 days. An examiner at the Disability Determination Services who did not evaluate your claim the first time will now evaluate your case.

If you receive a denial of your Reconsideration request, you have 60 days to file again.

Administrative Hearing: An Administrative Hearing is where you present your Social Security Disability Insurance claim to an Administrative Law Judge. You will be given the opportunity in court to make your case and witnesses may be called to testify on your behalf.

After the Administrative Hearing the judge will make a decision and notify you within two months.

If you are denied, you have 60 days to appeal.

Appeals Court Review: The Appeals Council must review your Social Security Disability Insurance claim before it can be sent to the United States District Court.

The Appeals Council may request additional information from you about your case at this time.

Federal Court: If your Request for Reconsideration has been approved it is strongly advised that you work with a legal Social Security Disability Insurance representative to help you complete the extensive process of getting your claim approved. These legal representatives will be familiar with both the system and the process of SSDI claims and can help you fill out paperwork, go with you to court hearings, and speed up the process of getting you the Social Security Disability Insurance you deserve.

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